Sunday, September 7, 2008

Home Again and SO HAPPY

Ike Made Sure I Came Home Early...
Andrew is settled in Utah
I am home earlier than planned
There is
Heat, Humidity, Hurricanes, and all...
I am SO HAPPY to be home
I am SO HAPPY that Andrew is SO HAPPY
(more on the trip and all!)
I am SO HAPPY that I am not home to put my
Hurricane Shutters in place!
I am SO HAPPY Hurricane Ike has his sights on other areas
(I do not feel slighted nor silly for
erring on the side of caution by cutting my trip short)
I am NOT SO HAPPY that Ike, or any Hurricane has to hit
ANYWHERE. My prayers are with those in Ike's path.
Hanna did not go to Montana and is about fizzled.
Josephine seems to be staying away from land fall.
More later.... so much to be grateful for and
SO HAPPY about this Sunday evening!
By the way...It DOES NOT get any easier to have the little chicks
leave the nest, regardless of how BIG they are....