Today I feel a profound sense of happiness and joy.
Last night, the messages at The Relief Society General
Broadcast spoke to my heart. The Words AND the Music.
My Ward hosted a dinner prior to the Broadcast.
My Ward Relief Society leaders will never know
how much I appreciated sitting with my Ward Sisters
for a simple meal (delicious) and delightful conversations.
I don't tell them enough, yet, my Ward Sisters are a
breath of fresh air to me..... each one of them.
With so much of my time spent working and serving
in my Community recently, I just needed to sit with my sisters and soak in their goodness
of their spirits last night. It felt so good and was the perfect way to set the stage for
the messages of The RS Broadcast.
After dinner, I left to come home and view the RS Broadcast from my own sofa.
There I sat, in my PJ's, crying tears I have needed to cry for oh so long.
From the Opening Song, to the Closing Prayer, my heart was open. My heart
was being touched and filled every minute.
If I had to pick a favorite message, it was, hands down,
President Uchtdorf's. It will go down as one of my all-time-sure-to-be-quoted-favorites.
Oh My....has he been following me around and reading MY thoughts????
Seriously....he READ my MIND and HEART!!!!
Am I the only one who needed to hear about overcoming my FEARS?????
Oh, and.....YES, I am way tooooooo hard on myself. Time to work on that one!
I also love the quote he used from President Hinkley after Sister Hinkley died
and he was speaking to a recently widowed woman,
I have LIVED that quote and can testify that when I am
WORKING and SERVING others, my pain and sorrows are dwarfed compared
to the joy and satisfaction I receive.
If you did not have the opportunity to hear President Uchtdorf's message.....
make the effort to HEAR, not just read his message. His delivery was powerful.
Not only was his message packed full of wisdom and encouragement,
he is simply delightful as a person.
Angels joined that choir.
Here is the reason the choir members were wearing
Sister Beck asked the choir members to wear white blouses and black skirts in honor of the sisters around the world. She said that wherever she travels, the Sisters in the Relief Society Choirs are always wearing white blouses and black skirts. Regardless of the circumstances, the sisters unite in this choir "uniform". She said that in the poorest of circumstances, sisters find and wear a white blouse....or perhaps a T-shirt turned inside out. What an honor not only to participate in that choir, but to wear a white blouse and black skirt.
Next time I am in a white blouse and black skirt, I will have a different perspective. I will be thankful for all my sisters in this World Wide organization, The Relief Society. I will be thankful for the countless lessons I have learned from sisters here in my back yard and sisters across the globe.
Just when my well is running dry....The Relief Society Broadcast comes along..
and.....bam....my cup is full and my battery is charged!
What was your favorite part of the RS Broadcast?
Did you LOVE the music?
1 comment:
I loved all of it- but especially President Uchtdorf's. I too thought he was speaking just to me. I watched it at a friend's house with my sister too. It definitely was what I needed!
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