Where: At my neighborhood Target Guest Services Desk (Where I START most of my trips to Target......with a return BEFORE wandering in to the rest of the store to purchase MORE stuff....some, of which will be returned on the next trip...maybe...)
What: I was returning Plastic Cookie Containers that we did not use for the School Auction (initially they appeared to be the ideal containers for our Auction Tickets) The whole Cookie Containers return sparked some family matters that drove this conversation.
Keep in mind....the clerk is old enough to be working at Target during the day,.... I am going to put her at 18-19 years old.... She was in an adult body....
Clerk: Oh Cute Cookie Containers. Do you have kids?
Me: Yes
Clerk: Do you Bake Cookies?
Me: Yes
Clerk: Do you Bake Cookies with your kids?
Me: Yes, sometimes with them and sometimes I just bake alone.
Clerk: Do you let your kids put their fingers in the dough?
(All the while, I just want to return my containers and be on my way)
Me: No (Although I am positive they DO)
Clerk: You know they put their fingers in the dough when you are not looking....
Me: Oh (thinking...just complete the transaction)
Clerk: Do YOU put YOUR fingers in the dough:
Me: Not on purpose. (she did not hear...she just kept on talking.....)
Me: Not on purpose. (she did not hear...she just kept on talking.....)
Clerk: My mom wont let me bake cookie with her this year.
Me: Oh
Clerk: She says I put my fingers in the dough too much
Me: Oh
Clerk: My mom made me promise not to put my fingers in the dough, but I lied. When she was not looking, I put my fingers in the dough. Your kids do it, too. Just watch them when they think you are not looking.
Me: Oh (I don't care about the stinking dough...lets get this moving...)
Clerk: She made some cookies when I was not home and said they tasted better because I was gone and did not put my fingers in the dough.
Me: Oh
Clerk: Now I am not allowed in the house when cookies are being made. It is the rule this Christmas. I am really mad.
Me: Oh
Clerk: Are you going to make cookies with your kids?
Me: Yes, I am sure I will
Clerk: Just let them put their fingers in the dough, then they wont be mad. They are going to do it any way.
Me: Thank you....... (and I was off, or so I thought)
Clerk: I think my mom needs some of these Cookie Containers. She wont tell me when she is baking....
For me, the conversation ended there as I headed in to the store....She was still talking away as best I could tell...
The Lesson I Learned In Target.....
Good Help is STILL hard to find...even in a Tight Economy!
(And you thought I was going to say...don't put your fingers in the dough!)
So....I will ask it since my lovely Clerk is not here...
Do YOU put your fingers in the Cookie Dough?
I'm not very patient with these sort of things. I stock up on phrases like, "How 'bout that" and "Isn't that something". If those don't tell people I am not interested I simply walk away. Of course it's much more difficult to walk away when there's something they need to do for you, they really got you cornered then! Nice post.
Okay Retep and I are sitting here laughing our heads off. Great story and no we don't put our fingers in the dough!
HA HA HA HA HA HA..... How did you not want to jump over the counter and just do the transaction yourself?! And to answer your question... I put my hands all over the dough... Is that a problem... hee hee... Just kidding...
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