Three Cheers For National Pomegranate Month!
(AKA....I could totally SELL the heck out of POM WONDERFUL JUICE!)
My children and I vote (OK, I know we are tired of voting) to have Pomegranates Year Round.
(I did not see it on the ballot here in South Florida, but I will try for the next election would be more fun than reading about all the amendments, etc) Each fall, when we visit the Grocery Produce Department, we get more than a few stares from those around us when my girls exclaim at high volume, "Mommmmm!!!!! Looooook!!!! Pomegranates are HERE!" I am willing to bet large sums of money that most of the people around us don't even know what a Pomegranate IS or what a Pomegranate TASTES like (don't feel badly if you fall into one of those categories..there is always time to remedy this deficit in your life. You are never too old to live a little and expose yourself to the finer things in life)
The moment they are in the stores, Pomegranates are a regular purchase on my bi-weekly trips to the store. My children get more excited about the arrival of Pomegranates than seeing Halloween or Christmas Candy in the stores....honest! Imagine a child standing in the produce department BEGGING for a Pomegranate just like many BEG for a toy in the toy department or candy at the Check Out Line...that would be MY Child doing the Pomegranate BEGGING....or should I say... Children...both of them....been there...done that....BOUGHT THE POMEGRANATE.
As much fun as Pomegranates are, they are also delicious and over-the-top healthy. Imagine my delight when the POM WONDERFUL company sent me a complimentary case of Pom Wonderful Juice. My children and I enjoyed every last drop of the delicious and healthy juice. Now there is a way to have the healthy and tasty benefit of Pomegranate Juice year round.
Go to the POM WONDERFUL site to read the health benefits of Pomegranate Juice. You will find recipe ideas there also. At our house, we eat the seeds plain, juiced, or add them to salads.
I wrote about our love of Pomegranates HERE.
Below are the photos of me opening my case of POM WONDERFUL juice. I could totally market this juice and any other POM Products. The products are amazing and so are the people behind POM.

Do you like Pomegranates?
Have you ever tried Pomegranates?
Have I convinced you to try a Pomegranate?
How would you recycle the adorable container?
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