Sunday, January 4, 2009

It Can Be Done

Eight Years
This week marks my Eight Year Anniversary of giving up McDonald's French Fries. Why???
Because I LOVE them and was too out of control eating them EVERY possible DAY I could get to a drive-thru.
I just had to draw the line. Being the all or nothing person I am, I knew it had to be nothing, as in NO FRIES.
Another motivator was that my two little girls were eating them as often as I was. I knew this was not a healthy pattern and decided to make the change. Obviously, I have other favorites that are not the best choices, however, I am working on eliminating a few at a time. 2009 will be the year for more setting aside foods that are just plain bad for me, even if I LOVE them.
Another item I have "given up" in the past, but fallen off the wagon is drinking COKE. I love it, but it is time to analyze just how much I love it. Do I love it so much, that I am willing to let it stop me from having the health I need and deserve? I am moving closer to a Cold Turkey Coca Cola surrender. When I do... you will be the first to know...If you read it in print, it is watch for it to be in on the Blogosphere.
(Spellcheck still does not like that is a real place, this Blogosphere!)
Have you ever given up a food that you liked because it was better for your health?

1 comment:

Erika said...

I remember your Coke post. I thought you were still "off the Coke". Good luck!

Fortunately my favorite food is salad, so I don't think I'll be needing to give it up. I do need to cut back on salad dressing consumption though, I tend to over dress my salad, LOL.

My 2nd favorite food is ice cream. I'm trying to cut back. I have 5 baby pounds I'd like to remove from my abdomen, and ice cream is not helping. I just started buying much less of it. The only way for me to not eat it everyday, is to not buy enough of it for it to always be there (usually I keep 3-5 containers for backup at all times). I'm not big on popsicles or ice cream bars of any sort, so I can buy those for the kids and not really be interested in eating them. It's the half gallons of Blue Bell that call my name every night.