Women from all over (and I mean all over...every corner!) the Southeastern United States and more are clearing their schedules, gathering their friends, saving their pennies, and registering to attend this amazing event. Most realize that every sacrifice they make to attend will be rewarded thousands of times over.
The Pre-registration group discount deadline is less than 3 weeks away! Oh My!
As I told my Team Members earlier this week, it is February, which means....our event is NEXT MONTH!

Too many absolute miracles are happening to make it possible for women to have this experience.
The theme, SWEET ASSURANCE, is needed NOW, more than at any other time in recent history.
I cant wait to witness the sea of women basking in the
Time Out For Women Experience. I cant wait to see friends
from now and from MANY years past.
I cant wait to meet all the friends I have met during the planning
stages of this event.
I simply cannot wait!!!!!
But I will...there is still so much work to do and EVERY MINUTE is
worth the end result I am catching a glimpse of!
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