For a fleeting moment, I thought I was in High School all over.
At 5:00 this evening, I received a phone call asking if I was attending the Birthday Party being held for a dear friend.
Yes, I reply, as I am standing in the store learning how to use my new cell phone (that should have been a clue that I was far far away from my High School Days...cell phones were not part of my High School days)
Yes, I am planning to attend.
By the way, you are my first call on my new phone, I say to the caller.
Oh, so you are going to the party, she answers, Great, can I get a ride?
Yes, I say.
Can you give a ride to Suzy (not her real name), also?
Sure, I say.
Great.....We have a DESIGNATED DRIVER, my friend exclaims.
Just Like That....
Just Like High School....I am the Designated Driver.
Hooray for our non-drinking Mormon friend.
By 6pm, I was making the pick up stops all over town.
By 1am, I was making the drop off stops all over town.
And at the end of the evening, me being the only person with clear reasoning skills, I was thankful to be the Designated Driver, not just because my friends would be safe in my car, but because I was completely reminded of how grateful I am to not be a drinker of not even one little drop.
The reminder I did not like was that my body has not seen the energy or fitness level of High School for many years.
After delivering everyone safely to their doors, I returned home... grateful to live NOW... and happy that I will never have to go through my own High School years again.One time was enough. I will take the body and wisdom I have now.
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