Sunday, March 8, 2009


Count Down Time
ONE Week until Katherine turns 12 AND we get to attend
The Orlando LDS Temple for her first Youth Temple Trip
(This photo was taken last week at her last Primary Activity Day...
she shared her famous Cupcake Cake with the group..
I maintain that this cupcake cake pan is the easiest cake to make
and it looks like you worked kind of project)
TWO Weeks until Orlando Time Out For Women....THREE Weeks until Katherine and I are in Utah attending THIS in person! Yes, the first few days of Spring Break, I am taking Katherine to Utah on a Mother/Daughter Birthday Trip.'s a surprise! She will know the details on her Birthday...Friday, the 13th!

FOUR Weeks until LDS General Conference. And Katherines' Braces come off (maybe)

FIVE Weeks until Easter... and Completion of reading The Book of Mormon


John and Katie said...

If only you knew someone in the Temple could request the baptismal font be filled with ice water!

Cathi said...
