Saturday, June 20, 2009

This May Never Happen Again

As Promised (to the girls, not Mr Riley), I made an attempt to help Mr Riley (our dog) learn to like the pool water. He was very patient with my efforts, yet made it very clear that he was only cooperating for my satisfaction. If he goes in again, it will be at my insistence, which may never happen again.
For more photo the link at the end of this post.
I taught him how to find the stairs and how to get to the side...just like a child. He can swim, he just does not want to, if he does not HAVE to. His mother LOVES the water and so do 3 of his siblings. The other 2 are like him..water play is not on the top of their list of favorites. (We knew that before we decided he was "ours") What I am happy to see is that he CAN swim and hold his own in the water. As for the rest of our family...the pictures speak the words!
I know...the Synchronized Swim Team won't be knocking at my door any time soon, yet it sure is fun to practice and pretend. Megan is an awesome partner!
This may be too much information...TMI..OK...for sure it is, however, do you know what one of the things I like about having a pool in my backyard is? Not having to worry about shaving my legs or arms...unless, of course, we have guests. Come KNOW you agree.
Welcome Summer! This is the time of year I love to swim. The water feels like bath water temperature, yet is still refreshing.
To see all of the photos, click HERE

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