Saturday, June 20, 2009

Not So Much

Just like too many sequels...
Night At The Museum 2, Battle At The Smithsonian was OK...not great.
It just never seemed to get going. There were the funny one liners like the first movie, and the same characters (plus a few more historical figures), but in general, I am wishing I had saved it on my Netflix que and not spent the money to see it at a theater (a rare occurrence anyhow, that of going to the theater with my children or anyone, for that matter). If I sound disappointed, it is because, well, yes, I was. I loved the first movie. What made the movie not so bad is WHERE we went to see it. We went downtown to City Place. Now that was fun! Pictures to follow! What is City Place? (For those of your from Utah..just think Gateway...sort of)

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