Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Needed This TODAY

Actually, I need this everyday!
"What may initially appear to be a daunting task
will be much easier to manage over time as you
consistently strive to recognize and follow
feelings prompted by the spirit."
~Elder Richard G Scott~
This was exactly what I needed to read today! I have a few daunting tasks on my plate right now. If I try to face them alone, they remain daunting. When I allow The Lord to be my partner and guide, I am able to focus and see my way through the many steps of a task, and yes, a task is much easier when prompted by the spirit.
Sometimes I dont even understand why I should take a certain step, turn a certain way, call a certain person, etc. However, when I follow those promptings, I understand at some point down the road and blessings come to me and those I am working with.
Now....Back to my plate of daunting tasks!

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