My Memory Tree
Two collections I have are connected to Christmas
1 ) Nativity Sets 2) Christmas Tree Ornaments.
Because of the Ornament Collection, My Christmas Tree is full of memories. Each ornament brings a memory of the child who made it, the person who gave it, the time/place I made it, the place it was purchased, etc. I love to unwrap each ornament and place it on the tree as years of memories rush to my mind.
My ornaments are another way to record family history....My Christmas Tree tells a story...Not just one story, but many stories. Oranments with years of family photos, ornaments from travel, Golden Pears (from a childhood story), Gingerbread houses, Santas made from paintbrushes, cinnamon sticks, wooden spools, starfish, door hinges, light bulbs, and more. Each story brings a smile to my face!

When the children marry and set up their own homes, they receive the ornaments collected for them over the years. Last year, I packed Curt's ornaments up for him after he married. I did not realize how hard it would be to part with those memories. I even shed a few tears. When I put up the tree without those ornaments last year, it was noticeable (to me) that there were certain ornaments gone.
With Jeffrey marrying this coming year, I have yet another group of ornaments to say good-bye to and pass on. I hope my grown children and their families will enjoy them on their trees as much as I have enjoyed them on mine.
Love this! My mom did this with us. I still remember every single ornament that you made for me too; last year my Popsicle stick sled broke- it was so sad! :(
My ultimate favorite is a wooden Gingerbread man you made for me in 1989- wow, that is 18 years and I still (even at 23) got so excited to unwrap it! Hopefully I can make those for each of my children so we can have our very own gingerbread family! Thank you so much for being part of many of my happy Christmas memories! :)
Emily's words make it all worth it yes??
I have the same popsicle stick sled and paint brush Santa ornaments that are hanging on your tree. We had the same tradition with giving the kids ornaments every year. Now the babies get ornaments every year. Last week during a very hectic and a bit of an unruly experience in Micheal's they picked out their own new ornaments. (Grandma's should think twice about extended shopping trips in stores like Micheal's and Joann's with tired and hungry little ones!!) I did help a little as I wasn't sure Mindi would want ornaments that as Austin said, "look like grenades" hanging on the tree. Fun memories though!! Very fun memories and yes...I'll shop with them again.
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