Thursday, December 20, 2007

Gift From Katherine's Teacher

All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome
by Kathy Hoopman

My10 year old daughter, Katherine, as well as one of my brothers, have Asperger Syndrome. This morning, Katherine's incredible teacher, Mrs. Hessler, presented me with this book as a gift. If you know someone with Aspergers, the cute approach in this book will help you understand them better. It is highly probable that you know someone with Aspergers.
Katherine is in the most supportive classroom this year. I attribute this to the way her team of teachers started the year. The children have wrapped their arms around Katherine and taken on the responsibility to love and protect her. As a result, the children are more loving and kind to everyone, not just Katherine. This amazing environment is in our local Public School. She spent grades K-4 at a Private Christian School, where at this time last year, mid 4th grade, I finally withdrew her after years of being bullied and the target of all things mean. As I write this, I cannot believe I allowed it to go on for so long. I worked closely with administrators and teachers year after year, always thinking that the "Christian" atmosphere would somehow improve the situation.
At Christmas break last year, I knew there was no way I could send her back. I enrolled her at our local Public School, Binks Forest Elementary. Everything, and I mean everything, at this school is better. I ended up enrolling Megan at Binks Forest mid-year also. I was concerned that if I waited until this school year, she would be behind (yes, behind) even further academically. As it was, Katherine was close to 2 years behind in Math when she moved. Thanks to an awesome tutor, she is caught up and forging ahead.
Once the dust settled and I observed Katherine in the new environment where everyone was so nice to her and she still was having social issues and several other issues, it hit me between the eyes....she has Asperger Syndrome. I spent an entire week late in to each night, reading and reading the books I had always read to help me understand my brother better. This time, I read with the perspective of a girl with Asperger. I felt like I was reading about Katherine at every turn of the page. Shortly after this week of reading and research, the help of an incredible Pediatrician and Psychologist set us on the way to helping and understanding Katherine.
Long, long story short, with the help and support of great Doctors. Teachers, and Friends, this is the BEST school year ever.
I could and should write more and more about this experience, this is the Readers Digest Version. There are volumes I need to share that I know will help others.
In 2008, perhaps I will start blog just for Asperger Syndrome support and information.

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