Bloggers Elbow.... Really!
Happy New Year
Blogging is a little sporadic right now due to a very sore elbow...
With the hope of relief, I am adjusting my mouse pad and keyboard height today.
I am so excited for this New Year and all the possibilities it holds. When my elbow cooperates, I'll post the details! I have a huge surprise to share...or maybe I will keep it a secret for 90 days....Mmmm....Mmmm...Mmmm
Yesterday for a moment your header said BIG NEWS!
So...out with it. Forget the 90 day wait, tell us,, NOW!
I was just playing with my header. I am trying to figure out how to do a background.
You're pregnant!!!!!!!
After my hysterectomy?????
Well... that would be big news! You're killin me, what is the news? I've been trying to figure out what takes 90 days, all day long!
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