Monday, January 14, 2008

Surprise Revealed...
Today is the day I will share my surprise!
Your comments on my posts and e-mails (that is another subject..over half of you, my readers, send me e-mails rather than comments-you know who you are and that is fine by me!) have been fun to read.
Now I need your help with my surprise... I need you to be my cheerleaders!

I entered this contest on January 3 and Ron entered it on January 10 We are going to be The Biggest Loser Couple At Home! We are determined!

As a result of this 90 Day Change Your Body-Change Your Life contest, I need your help and encouragement. On April 3, I return to be weighed and measured. At that point I will submit new blood work and an essay describing my 90 day experience.

I will post my progress along the way. The ups and downs. I will write more later, but for now... I am off to the gym! I will answer all the questions from my clues later today!

As of this morning....I have lost 12 pounds!!!

PS- For those who live here in the Western Communities of Palm Beach County...Tomorrow is the last day to enter this contest! Join me in the fun!


Emilyah said...

Oh yay, how exciting! Good Luck Shauna (and Ron too). Exciting, you've already lost 12 pounds- amazing! You can definitely win this!!!

Cathi said...

Wow! I'm so proud of you!! How long have you been working at the 12# loss and what are you doing? Diet? Exercise?
I know of one other couple doing this. I'll email you their link.
Good for you Shauna!!
Hey? Does my make-over guess count for this?? too Ron!

Shauna said...

Cathi you were the closest. I should post some of the funny guesses from my emails, also.
My hair has to look good when they take my after photo when I am the WINNER!!!!!!!
Lots of exercise and no junk.

love.boxes said...

If there is anyone who would be determined enough to make sure the results are dramatic.. it has to be you and Ron. Congratulations on the 12#'s! That's wonderful!

Erika said...

Congratulations on your newest challenge. I know you guys can do anything you want to do. Good luck!