Monday, March 10, 2008


While I was going through photos today, this photo of Nancy and Ron jumped right out. It was filed with all the Mission Reunion photos for some reason. The irony is that a huge Congratulations is in order for Nancy and her husband Stephen. They welcomed their 3rd child to their family this weekend. A sweet little girl joined their family. I am so happy for all of you! Get some rest and enjoy every minute!
Correct me, if I am wrong, but this photo was taken the night before Stephen and Nancy's wedding in California at the family dinner. All I do remember for sure, is that I was so sick the next morning, I missed the wedding.. yes the very event we flew to California for. The worst case of vertigo I had ever experienced.
I love you Nancy! I know you are a great mom!


Cathi said...

That's quite a long flight to be sick in bed for!!

Gardener said...

Thanks Shauna! Everyone is doing great. We feel very blessed. Yes, this photo was at the family dinner the night before the wedding. Don't remind me about the ceremony. Not having you or my sister there still makes me teary eyed. Hopefully you and she will get a replay of it in the next life.