Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Thoughts and Bad News Is Good News

Thoughts From A Great Sunday
Today was one of those days at Church when the
messages were incredible.
Andria, Cindy, and Bruce R. spoke.
Every message was powerful.
Here is a thought from Cindy...
Don't just pray for people's well-being,
safety, etc....
Pray to know how you can help them.
She was referring to praying for members of her family, yet
this applies across the board...
It made me realize I need to pray for others in a different way
and at a deeper level.
If I am praying for them, am I willing to also be part of the
This thought also made me think about those who will
be affected adversely by the approaching storms.
I need to pray for their safety and well-being, yet pray
to know how I can help them.
How will I be able to help in the aftermath and be part
of the solution?
My young daughters put it in perspective for me last night.
They said, "A storm is bad for others, but good for us because
we get to help them. When can we make quilts?"
They remember the sweet spirit surrounding the quilt
service projects in the past.
They also said....
"If we had a Hurricane and lost everything in our house, we know
that other people would make quilts for us."
Do you look at things this way?
Bad News Can Mean Good News...
Hearing the attitudes of my children was so humbling.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Out of the mouth of babes!!