Thursday, October 16, 2008

Half Day Fun
Each Month, our School District schedules one"PDD"
(Professional Development Day) This is a fancy word for
Half Day, or, in my opinion, messing up every one's routine.
The Elementary and Middle Schools are dismissed at the half
day...however, get this genius plan...On the same day,
The High Schools have Late Arrival. It is sort of a Half Day
in reverse. The entire town is just out of sorts on these days.
It just messes up everything. Don't get me wrong, I love
having my children for an extra afternoon, I just don't like
the break in the routine for the entire County.
Since I can't change this PDD Policy, I just roll with it...
Today We Went To The Pumpkin Patch!

We met our friends at The Pumpkin Patch. Thank goodness
because Megan needed Taylor's help carrying her
Prized Pumpkin.
Every year, we buy our Pumpkins from St Peters, where
both girls attended Pre School. It is fun for them to go inside
and visit Staff and former Teachers.
Here in the tropics, we don't carve our pumpkins until
the day before Halloween. They would rot and be stinky,
stinky (I only had to try it once to find out)
Happy Pumpkin Hunting and Decorating!
Have you found your Prized Pumpkin yet?
If so, Have you decorated it?
Does your school district have regularly scheduled Half Days?

1 comment:

Gardener said...

to answer your questions:
-Yes, we found our pumpkins 3/$10 @ Sprouts. (couldn't pass up that deal and the pumpkins are big)
-No, cannot do this until the day before Halloween. They decay too quickly here.
-Another reason I have to love the state I live in (not). We have minimum day (half day) every Wednesday and then usually 1-2 times more each month on random days. drives me crazy.