After The Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday, there were hundreds and hundreds of apples leftover. Many of the remaining apples were sent home with Committee Members (including a huge pile to my household, yet there were still hundreds left. Those were donated to Charity.
With piles of fresh apples, it was time to make the first Apple Crisp of the fall season.
This is where my wondering and question comes in.... When you make Apple Crisp, do you PEEL the apples or leave the skin on? (I know....such an in-depth question to take up space in the Blogsphere) The Apple Crisp of my childhood always had the skin removed....that is just the way it is made...it was delcious...end of discussion...or so I thought. On Sunday, I made TWO Apple Crisps (did not even make a dent in the apple "orchard" growing in my dining room)... one with the skins ON and one with the skins removed. We were hosting an Open House and this was the dessert. A certain member of my family did not think I should serve Apple Crisp WITH the skins on to guests...just "Not appropriate". There was a discussion and I was a littel worried, however it seems that people liked the Apple Crisp BOTH ways and so do I. After all, what is not to love about homemade Apple Crisp with fresh whipped cream? Skins ON or OFF? Hungry? I will also note that leaving the skins ON the Apples cut the preparation time way down...just another point for leaving the skins ON.
For future Apple Crisps, I will vote on the side of leaving the skins ON....no shame...just leave the skins on and enjoy all the extra time and fiber!
What about you?
Maybe I should ask...What Would Martha Do?
(after all...the above photo is hers..and you can look for yourself at those peeled apples)
Do You Peel The Skins or Leave Them ON when you make Apple Crisp?
I gotta know.
Dont let peer pressure from Martha influence you.
Do you have any other recipe suggestions for using this Apple Orchard
growing in my Dining Room?
I have Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Macintosh, and Gala
(Great Mix, Huh?)
My in-laws have an apple tree so we've been overloaded with them for weeks now. One idea (caution: it does require a bit of work) is to make pie fillings. They are easy once the chopping and peeling is done. We made a bunch for the freezer and are thinking of giving them to our neighbors as Christmas gifts.
Make and can some homemade applesauce- using all those varieties in one batch for good flavor. We had 100+ lbs. of apples and are still making applesauce. It is extremely yummy so we've consumed 4 1/2 Quarts of the applesauce in just 2-1/2 weeks!!
Here is a link to one of my favorite sites. This apple dumpling recipe is a good one:
Kari Johnson
My friend Lisa just passed this on to me. I have not tried it yet but it looks good and easy:
This is oh soooo easy and yummy served warm with vanilla ice cream! Did I mention how easy it is?
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup rolled oats
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup melted butter
3 cups peeled/sliced apples
1/2 cup white sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Lightly butter an 8 inch square pan.
In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, oats, flour and butter. Mix until crumbly.
Place half of crumb mixture in pan. Spread the apples evenly over crumb mixture. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and top with remaining crumb mixture.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes until golden brown.
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