Sunday, January 8, 2012

Off To The Races

Campaign Kick Off
This becomes more real every day!!!! I am running for a Village Council Seat! I am still not comfortable promoting myself or with money and donations to my campaign account. I have too remind myself that when I promote ME, I am actually promoting the people I want to represent.
There are so many important issues coming before the council right now. One is an Equestrian issue. It has the Equestrian community on fire along with the year round residents. I attended a Planning and Zoning meeting, after my kick off party, that went until 2 AM. The proposed Equestrian Village was presented and eventually approved in the wee morning hours.
It is an amazing project that will benefit the entire community of Wellington. The opposition is loud, but definitely in the minority. My opponent is supported by the opposition. It is a definite "line drawn in the sand" issue. I continue to study all side of the issue and I know I will be in on many of the approvals/changes/non-approvals when I am sitting in Seat #1.

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